MARR’s Housing Subsidy Services Program


The MARR’s Housing Subsidy Services Program (HSSP) is a government-funded initiative designed to provide rental assistance to individuals transitioning into a MARR-certified recovery residence.

Program Details

The HSSP evolved from a previous program and is designed to offer rent-support to persons when they need it most. The usual length of support under this program for any one person should not exceed 60 days, ensuring a large number of people get a chance at recovery and become self-supporting.

Eligibility and Application

To be eligible for the HSSP, a recovery house must be MARR-certified, allow persons who are using MOUD (MAT), and agree to abide by the program rules. If you're interested in receiving a HSSP stipend, apply as you normally would to a participating residence and ask if the subsidy is available.

Participating Residences

Grouped by County

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