We have awarded all of the BSF sponsorships for September. We will reopen the program on the first Monday of October.

MARR has established a Bed Sponsorship Fund (BSF) to help people in early recovery who cannot afford to pay the first month’s rental fees for admission to a certified recovery residence. To be eligible to apply for this award, you must:

  • Be a person who has a diagnosis of substance use disorder (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)

  • Be able to demonstrate inability to pay for the first month’s rent and admission fees.

  • Apply using the below Application Form

  • Be 18 years of age or older.

  • Allow MARR to contact you by telephone for an interview. 

What You Need to Know:

  • The BSF is for INITIAL admission into a MARR certified house, it is not available for residents who currently live within the MARR home at the time of application.

  • It is up to you to reach out to the desired residence, apply with them for a bed, and indicate which residence you have been accepted on the application form. You must be accepted by a participating MARR-certified recovery residence in order to receive a sponsorship to that residence.

  • Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by MARR staff within 48 hours to determine your eligibility (During normal business hours).

  • Once the notice of award has been made, you will receive an email (or printed letter if you do not have email or text capability) that will serve as a Notice of Award voucher as proof you have been awarded a BSF sponsorship.

  • The voucher itself has no cash value. It is simply a notice that you have qualified, and MARR has agreed to support your entry costs. It is not transferable.

  • The Notice of Award voucher expires in 14 days from the date of issue. It becomes invalid after that time.

  • Persons who do not qualify for an award may reapply when their situation changes.

  • Please note that not every MARR-certified recovery residence accepts these program (award) vouchers. The list of participating residences may be found HERE.

  • Funds for this program are limited; Once funds are exhausted, the program will be suspended until funds are replenished.

Once you complete the application, we will reach out to you for an interview. This will be done within 48 hours after the Application Form is received.

MARR also supports another program that can help people enter a MARR certified recovery residence. The program, called the Housing Subsidy Services Program (HSSP) is different from the Bed Sponsorship Program. The HSSP is administered by each participating operator and can support up to 60 days in a recovery residence. For a list of residences participating in this program, see HERE. Contact the operator of the residence directly for availability and more information. There is no application form needed for the HSSP program.

If you would like more detailed information about the BSF program, please download the file below:

Participating Residences